Cookies help us deliver our Services. In that case, the original grade stays in your transcript and you just have to retake it. Students are not allowed to repeat modules they have passed i.e. * NOTE: The grade point only applies to new, first year students admitted into the Singapore Polytechnic from the academic year 2004/2005. A grudging pass, or perhaps a mercy pass. Is NUS Nursing, Business or FASS more competitive? Next ask yourself: “is this grade’s numerical score higher or lower than my final CAP objective?”. Exchange students/visitors are more than welcome! Any additional attempts will be averaged into the GPA. [–]frozenstorm23 4 points5 points6 points 1 year ago (4 children). Grade forgiveness does not apply if the second grade is lower than the first grade. BSc (Nursing)(AY15-16) BSc (Nursing)(AY16-17) BSc (Nursing)(AY17-18) BSc (Nursing)(AY18-19) BSc (Nursing)(AY19-20) BSc (Nursing)(AY19-20)(Direct Intake) Both grades are left. Simple question to ask yourself: What is your final CAP objective? Anyway why the disparity sia? Grades of E, ABS (Absent), FL (Fail), UNS (Unsatisfactory), and EXLD (Excluded) are failing grades. Continuous Assessment Component. But have 20MCs s/u for 1st year bro, you are not gonna use all 20 in the next sem might as well s/u it now. Save it so you can take UEMs for fun and not worry about the grade. 2 points from their CCA achievements and commitment and 2 points from passing their Higher Mother Tongue Language in Secondary school. This would normally be a passing grade at my home university, but I am worried that it is possible to ride the bell curve to a failing grade. [–]MrSinkie[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). A weighted average mark obtained from the combination of these two will be used to determine the final grade for the course. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies.Learn More. A GPA is actually your grade point average of all your course grades divided by the total number of credits. /u/ManWithoutModem's Textbook Hunting Guide, freshie asking for S/U advice with average results. The author notes that an 'F' grade requires professors to justify it and is not primarily decided by the bell curve. Doing some quick research online gives me two nice articles that discuss this: Article 1:, Article 2:, Article 1 is written by a student at NUS. I have S/U the B+ mod. [–]Pound_Shilling 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children). If lower, S/U. Most high schools require a minimum 1.0 GPA to graduate. From what I know you can only retake the module if you fail to pass (get a grade D+ or below/get a U). use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Welcome to the National University of Singapore subreddit! The standard is a C or better, even though a 'D' is officially a passing grade. The Grade Point Average (GPA) system applies to students admitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in AY2004-2005 and all students admitted to Year 1 with effect from AY2005-2006 and direct entry students admitted to Year 2 with effect from AY2006-2007. Article 2 sources from the blog by NUS provost on "understanding how NUS applies the Bell Curve". Grade U will be awarded if a candidate fails to achieve at least a grade E in the main subject paper, and will not be reflected in the A level result certificate. Does anyone know cases where students scored above 65% raw and received 'F' grade? OR. level 1. A good exam paper will create a spread. NUS provides notification of grade profiles to help you make informed choices in your application for admission to NUS undergraduate courses. Generally, NUS, NTU, SuSS and SIT have similar grading methods. There is no official bell curve process after the marking of exam scripts that I know of. For context I am taking only 2nd and 3rd year courses from NUS Computing. Looking at that average is significantly easier for the adcoms than looking through your entire transcript grade by grade. Grades and Grading System. These two modules have to be completed with a pass grade before the start of Year 3 Semester 2. freshie asking for S/U advice with average results (self.nus). I messed up by not finishing my assignment by the deadline and have likely lost 10-15% for 2 of my courses already. ... Enrolling into NUS was a game-changer as I grew up attending neighborhood schools. Also, I'm quite curious - what majors allow you to take 2 MC modules in the first semester? NUS president Tan Chorh Chuan says "it is important to reduce some of the over-focus on grades as the most important thing to go for, as opposed to actual learning". Pass in a Module which has no grade point-N.A. Each moduleof study has a unique module code consisting of a two- or three-letter prefix that generally denotes the discipline, and four digits, the first of which indicates the level of the module (e.g., 1000 indicates a Level 1 module and 2000, a Level 2 module). C Marginal Achievement. Please ensure you submit your overseas transcript as incomplete submissions will delay the credit transfer process. Close ... -> didn't follow flawed advice -> supervisor gave me average grade -> I went to NUS, but they don't care/try their best to come out with stupid excuses -> supervisor stole my work -> went to NUS, again they don't care and try to clampdown. A D/D+ is a passing grade, a U isn't. Passing Grade C- O 35.00 - 44.99 Conditional Pass D Denotes standard is at AO level only), grade N in the British A Levels F 0.00 - 34.99 Fail F Most Common. The minimum acceptable composite score for consideration by NUS is 29 and the writing component score as follows: For the ACT, all sections (inclusive of writing) have to be taken in one sitting. Or the other way round? NUS Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Outreach Camp for J1/J2/A level graduates. alright. In this article, it suggests (granted with a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes) that easy courses may have the bell shifted such that high 60s may receive 'D' grade. NUS has published the A-level and polytechnic Indicative Grade Profiles and course places of the previous academic year to enable applicants to make more informed choices when applying for admission. F Failing. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 1851 on r2-app-04dfc093cb51c681d at 2020-12-18 21:29:48.786857+00:00 running 406fa40 country code: NL. i have 1 A+ (2MC), 1 B+ (2MC), 1 A- (6MC), 2 A- (4MC) and 1 A (4MC). Here, I am competing with students from better ranking schools and are from the cream of the crop. Do note that grade profiles vary from year to year and meeting a previous year’s grades does NOT guarantee admission for future years. Especially since your B+ is a 2mc, it's not worth it. College courses with a grade of D cannot be transferred, but can be re-taken. D is a passing grade in most public schools (primary and secondary schools) in the U.S., but usually not in college. This would normally be a passing grade at my home university, but I am worried that it is possible to ride the bell curve to a failing grade. A pass for Chinese Language and Literature (H2CLL) at GCE 'A' Level, Chinese Language and Literature (H3CLL) at GCE 'A' Level. I dont think i can reproduce such results in the next sem and i was just lucky. I hope a Grade Policy Letter will help NUS students be more competitive when applying for overseas graduate schools. Please note that with effect from AY2020/2021, only the Polytechnic GPA will be … November 15th 2013, 1800H: NUS Redditors' Meetup @ Sapore Italiano, UTown. The benefit of having a “senior” who has taken the same course under the same lecturer, and passing his material to you, is tremendous, as I can personally attest. Don’t bother S/Uing, especially if you believe you cannot reproduce these results next sem. Combination of section scores from different sittings is not accepted. Representative polytechnic Grade Point Averages (GPA) of the 10th and 90th percentiles of local polytechnic applicants offered places for courses at NUS in AY 2019/2020 are shown in Table 2. [–]bigbigboxEconomics + Sociology 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children). The … There are no specific guidelines for posts, just post anything that comes to mind. To pass a course, students must pass both components. D Unsatisfactory Achievement. Reply. OR. The maximum GPA is 5.0, corresponding to a grade A or A+ for a particular subject. I tried accessing the source blog but wasn't able to even after creating an nus blog account :(. (a) Grades and grade points are assigned as follows: Grades of D+ through D- are passing but unsatisfactory grades. I am an exchange student and I was wondering if anyone here might know some anecdotes on where usual cutoffs are for 'F' and 'D' grades. hi please help finals is in a few days and I was just wondering the passing rate for ec1101e (C+ and above)! 199. I would assume this is because professors apply the bell curve and evaluate the 'D' grades to downgrade to 'F' on case by case basis? Before jumping the gun to shop at NUS CO-OP, please refer to the following link. In this case, both grades are averaged into the student’s GPA. If you're aiming for first class I suppose why not. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you choose to S/U a D/D+ it becomes a U - it will still be excluded from your CAP calculation, but it will count as a fail grade for that module. This is especially important to take note of if its a core module that you're S/U-ing, since a U grade will basically mean that you must redo the module. All credit transfer requests should be completed online upon your return via the NUS Education Record System (EduRec). [–]Mosefito 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago* (1 child). Students who fail to achieve this will have to retake such modules and bear the full tuition costs on a per modular basis while they repeat the modules for which they did not attain a minimum satisfactory (B-) grade. r/nus: The official NUS subreddit. For students offering H3 Subjects (introduced for the first time in 2006), they will be awarded either Distinction, Merit, Pass or Ungraded. (Sorry if I seem like a grandma, I'm year 5 now and not apprised of course changes), [–]MrSinkie[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children). Usually people do well in both or they don't. Reading from the graphs in article 2, the cutoff for 'F' and 'D' is the same. Technically, a 'D' is passing, but it's a sort of a we-don't-really-mean-it pass. Passing CS1010. Where applicable, obtain satisfactory grades (at least grade C) in the graduate English modules conducted by the Centre for English Language Communication at advanced level, with the exception of students from the Department of Chinese Studies who are required to achieve an intermediate level of proficiency; Pass Qualifying Examination; Any suggestions or feedback for information to go onto the sidebar are welcome as well! NUS doesn't allow you got a B+ and want to retake the mod to get an A and boost your CAP etc. 1511 A+ but 1512 B+? A pass for Chinese at GCE 'A' Level, Higher Chinese at GCE 'A' Level. [–]aurorashellSociology & Japanese Studies 2 points3 points4 points 1 year ago (0 children). This means that if you score A or A+ for all the subjects that you take, you will get achieve a 5.0 GPA in the end. Thanks! EX: Exempted-N.A. Likewise, you may also find copies of the textbook you are looking for under Module Resources. CAP computation is based on all modules completed at all levels, excluding: Modules for which grades obtained have no assigned grade points (for e.g. Plus 2MCs only. (Is this true?). grade D or better, or S (Satisfactory) grade. [–]pigeonlover13Science 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (3 children), Agree with this! Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Most undergraduate programs require a … A mod worth only 2MCs is too little to make a big difference in the long run and it’s only a B+, not a B or below. EXE, OCT, OVS, S/U, CS/CU, IC, IP); and Don't think it really matters, it's only 2 MCs so it won't affect your CAP too much. Both S (Satisfactory) and U (Unsatisfactory) grade will contribute towards the 32MCs worth of S/U Option entitlement. From the Cambridge English Corpus *The meaning of Raw Scores for their cut-off points is the score they have obtained without any deduction of points from CCA or Higher Mother Tongue Language (HMTL). I think I'm the second batch to take this mod. and join one of thousands of communities. Students who have more than three absences, excused or unexcused, cannot be given a satisfactory grade. Penetapan zonasi sma 2019 berdasarkan kelurahan suku dinas pendidikan wilayah 2 kota administrasi jakarta timur no nama sekolah kelurahan kecamatan 1 sma 9 makasar makasar 2 pinangranti makasar 3 kebon pala makasar 4 halim perdana kusumah makasar 5 cipinang melayu makasar 6 ciracas ciracas 7 rambutan ciracas 8 susukan ciracas 9 cijantung pasar rebo 10. 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