I live in Nha Trang, which is a coastal city with lots of ways to relax, such as resorts & spa, mud bath, there also has Vinpearl Land- an artificial tourism area in Nha Trang Bay. I don't know what to do anymore. Well, I’m here to remind you of ten reasons why living in a small town can really rock.1. For me, the most important person in my life is my mom. I love my town for many reasons. These voluntary organisations are involved in projects that help to promote and protect your town or city's history, heritage and buildings. Obviously, not everyone knows my name, and a good portion of them probably don’t care one way or another whether I’m in town or not, but a decent amount do, and that’s all a girl can ask for. The town has mini restaurants like a Waffle house, Burger King, KFC, and a Taco Bell. Yahoo. Kansas State University. Why I Love My Hometown If my hometown had a shirt it would read: sweet tea, farms, and church steeples. Live from Cleveland 2013Bon Jovi preforming "I Love This Town" The inner demons are still running rampant. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. One of the fireman elves hands out candy canes to the children. In which of the two does a town find its resilience, its ability to weather the economic ice age rapidly enveloping this country?  In the ability of people to work together to create a market place that runs the length of its pedestrianised High Street, small traders bringing homemade foodstuffs from their kitchens and farms and goods to sell and trade in a way that also encourages creativity, music and art?  Or in these ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ chains, with no local loyalty or connection?  In Woolies you hear no laughter, no music actually made by real people, no creativity, so smells other than floor cleaner, nothing that celebrates life. Why I love my town… Penneshaw. Starving myself isn't helping me achieve the body of my dreams, and I don't feel any better about myself. “You know they drove me out of my general store,” the 68-year-old moaned. I enjoyed the way my area of Poole was celebrated in song recently. My dog was a beacon of light in a year that was unpredictable and stressful. Not enough people write songs about their hometowns here.  I’m not a writer of songs.  I did write several many years ago, fairly dirgy affairs they were too.  I would hope though, as Transition Initiatives continue to embed themselves up and down the country, and lead to people reconnecting with place, that the creativity will pour forth.  I would certainly think that the inevitable and impending relocalisation of our towns and cities will give us more reasons to celebrate and enjoy where we live, more events like last night, more reasons to be creative and poetic rather than less.  Within the demise of Woolworths one can get a taste of the new world just waiting to be birthed.  May our Transitional acts of mass midwifery be fruitful. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Sadly that seems to be the case. Due to the constant wearing of my face mask that helps prevent getting COVID-19, I've noticed an increasing need to find face masks to add to my skincare routine so that I can undo the breakouts being caused by the medical masks. Because who deserves a present more than the one who was there by your side this whole year? My butt is slightly too large for my body. The town is full of nice people, there are flowers and plants like ever other town, but I love my town. If you want to see what your friends are up to and they aren’t home, a quick drive around the square (that’s what we call the main roads that surround our town) will almost always result in finding their vehicle. I love to live here because the environment is so comfortable and make me always splendid in here. It is all done really well.  There are no tacky plastic snowmen, people walking around dressed as Santa or tinny Slade blaring out over loudspeakers.  Instead you will find local food, ordinary folks who have spent the previous couple of days making special chocolates in their own kitchens, making cakes and biscuits, mulled wine and chai, as well as local farms serving up their own meat in sausages and burgers.  There are people selling lovingly handmade soap, lotions and potions. Why I love my toxic town. Celebrities and influencers do this, and so can you. Raccontala e condividila nel party dedicato proprio a Lei! After listening to the album a few times, I've decided how the tracks stack up against one another. Small towns can be frustrating, but they can be equally amazing if you know what to look for. No, no, no, the one across the street from that one,” and that goes on for at least ten minutes, and then it’s another half hour before anyone gets there. Why I Love My Town The Day: At 7:30am, the group of doting parents seeing their kids off outside my house tell mi 'itterashai' (have a nice day) as I leave. Though I was hesitant at first, I ended up being very pleased with the results of the following skincare masks. That's why I, love this town That's why I, keep co-min' round. Sometimes small-town life can get you down. Some people might want to live in Houston, Chicago, or even buy real estate in Dayton, Ohio ,but I am so happy I reside in my small-hometown. Sometimes just by driving around the square you will encounter people who will decide to join your cruise, and you will soon have a small convoy of friends driving in circles together. On nights like this one gets a sense of what our towns and cities could be like.  In the oral history work I am doing one gets a sense of the diversity and richness of the markets, of the street traders, of the web of local food producers, bakers, fishmongers, butchers, creameries that flourished here until the supermarkets and chain stores moved in.   Of the noisy, untidy, colourful, human-scale nature of the street markets, before the idea of buying and selling thins became sanitised and regulated to a point where it lost touch with people and place.  Our towns didn’t just die, they were deliberately bumped off.  How we feed, clothe and amuse ourselves can be a cultural experience, about meeting and greeting each other, or it can be the cold, cynical and deadening experience that 10 minutes in Woolworths invariably is. Our son is learning to drive, and as we putter around the city, I like to point out the idiosyncrasies of the Halifax driver. "I Love My Town" - Reading leading to Writing (elementary students) This is the first of 2 lessons on the topic "My Town"(2 Pages). I don't know about all of you, but I am soo freakin happy to see Friday here! On Friday, the Supreme Court tossed out the lawsuit filed by the attorney general of Texas that sought to block election results in major swing states. She built an entire beauty line for women with PCOS. The UK definitely has a folk culture that celebrates where we live – but it just maybe a culture that you’ve never looked for. We live in a small town, the borough itself has a population of 5400. After the Supreme Court's decision to throw out Texas' lawsuit on Friday, there's virtually no chance of Trump overturning the election. In hopes of giving you a helping hand for funny, clever, meaningful, and reference-worthy captions, I decided to make a compilation of quotes from y(our) favorite Christmas movies! In a town the size of mine, everything gets around. Why I Love My Mother. I Love MY TOWN. I love you, Pipestone, and all of you Pipestoners (which really should be officially changed to Pipestonians) in it. Tony Coppins told tourists the beautiful marina at Christmas Cove on the edge of Penneshaw was 500 million and 35 years old based on the fact geologists told him 35 years ago it was 500 million years old. This one was more relevant to me as a child because now I’m an adult who usually has to be in the parade and therefore does not benefit from the candy overload. Never change, Glasgow. http://idler.co.uk/category/crap-towns/. I remember a line from Andrew Simm’s Tescopoly, comparing chain stores to invasive species, a very good analogy, I think. I LOVE MY TOWN INCONTRI E RACCONTI La telling story della tua città del cuore. On December 14, Electoral College electors will meet to formally vote for Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. If you were to look at a map of Texas, you probably wouldn't notice Littleton at all. 0 users have voted. Here’s why I love* my town. My thighs are too muscular. Trendy design is hard to find. I am in permanent love with my hometown Kozhikode.I cannot stop loving Kozhikode. Harriet, that is quite wonderful! Therefore, my mom is the most important person for me. The Texas suit, which was widely hyped up as the "big one" that would overturn Biden's victory in favor of Trump, died along with any plausible hope that the soon-to-be ex-president would be able to undo the results of a free and fair election. One of these things happened recently and I feel the need to write about it. Here I stand, 30 pounds down in just over a month, and all I see are the same imperfections that have plagued me my entire life. Why I Love Newport. I know the side streets and landmarks in town like the back of my hand, and when I sit down with old friends at the local coffee shop, everything feels exactly the same for a second. An added bonus is the connectivity of all the My Town games. Emily Lomas, 28, moved to the town three years ago and says it's a "lovely place to be". Categories: Community Involvement, Culture, Localisation, Transition Initiatives. Living in the nation's capital feels like sharing an apartment with a daunting giant who rules the world, while we, his roommates, go about our business. The streets are packed with people, to the extent where it becomes hard to move around.  It is an amazing showing of the town at its best, beautifully lit, with music and food smells; the word most people had on their lips when I talked to them was ‘magical’. Emily Lomas, 28, moved to the town three years ago and says it's a "lovely place to be". Reason #5 Why I Love My Small Town Happy Friday everyone! I was talking to a friend last night about the joys of living where I do, here are five things I love about my town. However, being away at college this year (in a town hardly larger than my own) taught me how much I really love my small town and the people in it for so many different reasons. Anyways, in a small town, there are fewer children. Why I Love My Mother. First of all, the principal has little to no say in who becomes president; it’s a position that is chosen by student council members in front of the whole student council, and secondly, I would never have any kind of romantic relationship with any faculty member whatsoever. See http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=F8kfyDfU3IU (but please don’t look if you’re likely to be offended by strong language). Some have to do with geography or seasons, but mostly it’s been the people. Some of them can be pretty versatile, while others can be pretty specific - it all depends on you, your family, and your holiday shenanigans. Why I Love My Hometown Alisia Saucedo. I agree with Graham. We live in the shadow of power. I laughed really hard so they all turned to look at me and one of them went real pale really quick, saw my name on my shirt, and apologized profusely.   Anyway, last night saw my town at its best, and I want to write a few lines in praise of the place. WHY do I Love my Town? Everyone’s going to West Elm, or Anthropologie, or heck — even Target, and you can only dream about being close enough to one of those stores to be able to casually drop by. Also love friendly people, too. 0x . In the course of one week I was told that I was pregnant, a police informant, dating my female lifelong best friend, and sleeping with one of my teachers. Thanks…. There’s probably fifty thousand and a half tractors (which is a potential exaggeration), twenty horses, three marching bands, all the firetrucks that they have in the zip code, ten floats, some people running for various offices, the summer musical cast, a few people who accidentally drove their way into the parade route, and some old people in fancy cars. Say hey (say hey) say yeah (say yeah) You make me feel at home some how, right, now That's why I, love this town. up. — Sande Barrett Bihlmaier. I know must of the people and I know almost were everything is. It's definitely a small town. Record world on Southchurch Road was the first to stock punk records and was an outlet for all sorts of fanzines, the only place locally where one could pick up publications like ‘Sniffing Glue’, ‘ripped and Torn’ and other London based titles (and probably directly inspired me onto the self-publishing path I’ve followed ever since…), but Projection Records was my personal favourite as it not only kept up to date with everything post-punk and indie (when ‘indie’ actuall meant ‘independant’…), but was also a specialist in jazz records, opening my eyes up to all sorts of musicians and musical forms I might not otherwise have come accross, eg, Derek Bailey, John Coltrane, Keith jarrett, etc. Also, if you ever somehow manage to get into a fight, your friends can be there to back you up in minimal time. THE MOST FAMOUS SPOT IN ELBURN. He was right – I love my small town. Skincare masks that will calm the breakouts from your COVID-19 masks. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. They welcome new members and anyone can join. Enamored by the ways in which Moroccan people used 100% pure Argan oil that felt different than anything she'd ever gotten at her local hipster markets in Brooklyn, Jamilla started using the product on her own skin and saw an incredible difference in her skin. Out of the thirty-nine cities and towns in Rhode Island, it was a no-brainer: We were moving to Newport. the proprietor Barry Martin was a huge blues fan and always happy to support the local music scene even if it wasn’t his personal cup of tea – he once stood in on guitar for local punk band The Sinyx when the usual guitarist couldn’t make one of their gigs, and later joined R’n’B legends The Hamsters. So I’ve been in a bit of a mood the last week with everything that’s gone on in my life recently, so things that would not normally bother me so much seem to be suddenly coming to the forefront. Eventually the city got tired of replacing the head so they took the whole statue down. Children can use their creativity and imagination in so many different ways as they explore the 6 rooms of the house. Still, you can only cement over the cracks for so long, but then it depends how long that “long” is. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog. I love to live here because the environment is so comfortable and make me always splendid in here. It’s most evident at corners, where people love to take a lazy turn that inevitably ends up with them using both lanes. The Wurzels! When I was a little girl my parents watched "Cheers," and I eventually realized that my town is kind of like "Cheers:" everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came. If you love your town why not join your Local History and/or Civic Society? To let everyone know he is coming, one of the Fire Engines drives ahead and sounds the siren. Certainly beats the question: ‘Where are you from?’ with it’s obvious answer, ‘My mother’. Then there was Parrot Records,who had a manager who looked like Beethoven, smelled like a goat and was always outrageously rude to customers. I’d love to share some reasons to love a small town, and Why I’m #MyTownProud with my 1878 Farmhouse! Why I love my town. The nearest larger community is 240 miles away - the Palmer/Wasilla area. I’ve never lived in a town with a year-round population of over 5,000. Perhaps it’s not the place you left that matters so much as the place that claims you. You can practically get anywhere in my town in under five minutes. Apologies for the ropy photos, my camera is broken so these are taken on my phone.  Thanks and congratulations are also due to the Festival organising committee for pulling off another wonderful series of events. I love everything belongs my hometown where i was born and grew in... Save Paper; 2 Page; 409 Words For me, the most important person in my life is my mom. This has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. While some of our neighbors make decisions affecting the globe, others work to keep up with their groceries. 50 Quotes From Your Favorite Christmas Movies To Bust Out On Instagram, 3 Face Treatments For The Skincare Junkie, Because We All Need A Little Glow Up After This Year, 25 Christmas Gifts To Get The Dog Who Was The Goodest Boy This Year, 'Long Story Short' Here's The Definitive Ranking Of The Songs On Taylor Swift's 'evermore', University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jamilla Pipersburg On PCOS Skincare, Loneliness, And Building An Eco-Luxury Beauty Empire, I Had An Eating Disorder, And It's Taught Me The Importance Of Self-Perception, Here's How To Take A Good Selfie, Because You Deserve To Look Like You Woke Up Like This. Which brings me to part two of this benefit: finding people. My lovely hometown is at Taman Koperasi Polis, Gombak .A town,which is located at west of Kuala Lumpur. Of course, we want to make our mark and share what we did during the most wonderful time of the year. Why I Love My Hometown. 'Tis the season for posing in front of a camera and posting it to any and all social media - especially Instagram! From the beginning, I noticed the extreme friendliness of my small town. Reading tasks: After speculating about the text they are going to read (images, key words, parts of the speech, ...), students read the text to complete the table. Top ones though in no particular order of importance. Transition Culture is hosted and maintained by Lumpy Lemon & powered by WordPress open source software, From the Transition Cities Workshop: Shilpa Shah’s Diversity Workshop, We Need Your Help: Seeking a Venue for the 2009 Transition Conference, and Some Designers, sang songs about rented rooms in Whalley Range, It’s Immaterial’s song about driving across England, http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=F8kfyDfU3IU. Can’t agree with your idea that there are no songs about our land. June 25, 2009 by whotakethmycoke 5 Comments. No copyright infringement intended. My neighbors and friends who supported me and talked me through it. She's still on some new shit, and I'm here for it. Of course, I’m only a short freeway drive to all the advantages of the city, so I have the best of both worlds. Fewer children mean that there is less competition for parade candy, and that you will leave with a grocery sack full of goodies. November 6, 2014 by Coastlines. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Why I Love My Town (and why in the future we might all come to love where we live more than we do now) I love my town. There is an abundance of reasons to live in a small town, and more and more people are moving out of the city to the countryside saying that their reasons to live in a small town started with wanting a slower pace of life, or a better place to bring up their kids. There are all kinds of buskers, schoolkids playing the violin, choirs, an amazing huge Samba band, Bert Miller and the Animal Folk playing outside the Animal Rescue shop, a few jazz crooners, and some drumming.  There is Thai food, Indian food, Chinese food, burgers, barbecues and all sorts of delicious edibles.  There are stalls selling locally made jewellery, local wood crafts, clothes, baskets and a whole range of other stuff. All of these places can be covered with a singular loop. To be fair we actually live on the edge of that small town just outside the borough but close enough to enjoy all of the benefits. Finally, I just wanna say that I love my town so much. The ‘old Grumpy Grocer’ they called him, and he only took exemption to the ‘old’ bit. I never really got that feeling throughout most of my years in school, so being able to have that in the community is the best. July 3, 2014 by Coastlines. Where most of us come back from vacation with some spices and maybe a few antiques, Jamilla Pipersburg came back from her trip to Morocco with the idea to build her own company based upon the ancient clean beauty principles rooted in North African. I do NOT own this song or picture. However, most of these things have candy associated with them, and they will throw it at you, and you will be content. Santa Claus made one of those reasons evident tonight. by Renee Sklarew. Odds are they’re either out cruising (and you will pass them), at The Mat, at McDonald’s, at one of two bars which are conveniently located across the street from each other, or at Lange’s. Great in front of a live South Bristol crowd, singing along. Another local record shop proprietor, Guy Norris, even got an obit on the Southend Punks website when he recently died… then there was the little independant reggae shop in York Road market that always smelt of highly suspicious substances when one walked past…, Nowadays all we’ve got is Zavvi and HMV, and Zavvi will be gone in a few weeks…. Elburn is the town where I live, but all of the places above are less than a 10-minute drive away. There isn’t much town to get to. There’s a grand total of three stop lights here, and two of them are linked to change at the same time, so you’re never stuck in traffic very long either. None of these things were true, but they made for some good laughs. Once, some kids from out of town came into the bowling alley where I work, and I heard them tell their friends, “Yeah that student council president here, I heard she got that position by sleeping with the principal!” Mind you, the rumor was absolutely ridiculous. No, the one by Perkins. If you’re cooking dinner and realize you’re out of butter, you’ll have it purchased and in your kitchen in roughly ten minutes. It sucks. It was wonderful. This has proven to be both a blessing and a curse. I love my town.  Its not something we say a great deal in England.  In the US, people write songs about their towns and cities (Box Elder MO, Put Your Hands Up for Detroit, New York, New York…), as well as about the roads that join them together (Highway 61), but not here.  Other than bands like the Smiths, who sang songs about rented rooms in Whalley Range and other parts of Manchester, and one or two other bands (such as It’s Immaterial’s song about driving across England from the 80s), we don’t have a strong tradition of celebrating where we come from.  I noticed when I lived in Ireland that when two Irish people met, one would ask where the other came from, and pretty much regardless of where the person came from, they would say “ah, a beautiful place”.  Harder to do in England.  “You’re from Slough?  Oh”. The parades also aren’t ungodly long, but they aren’t terribly exciting either. While Ernakulam is the Industrial Capital of Kerala and Thrissur, the Cultural Capital, Kozhikode is the capital of Malabar. This, right here, is why I love my home town. If you were to look at a map of Texas, you probably wouldn't notice Littleton at all. My current hometown, Valdez, Alaska, has a population of not quite 4,000. Every member of the school staff from administration to custodians knows every child … There are some brilliant benefits to … Keith Spacey built his life and business on a reputation of being grumpy. I have a membership with IPSY, a brand that allows you to customize your beauty needs and sends you products on a monthly basis. I’ve never lived in a town with a year-round population of over 5,000. This is my hometown. (“I’m off to Barrow Gurney…” etc). Our mission is to make the high streets buzz again. Jan 05, 2016. I no longer blog on this site. This confidence and freeness shine through to others and truly brings the "fake it til you make it" mantra to life. She is my every thing; always guiding me to do the right things without criticizing; and most importantly she gave birth to me. You can sleep in before work or school, and if your car isn’t working, it isn’t that far of a walk. Much of the (very funny) cynicism of that book seems to be drawn from the fact that so many of our towns and cities have suffered from the ‘modernisation’ which has led to bad town planning, brutal and inhuman concrete and ring-road based architecture and identikit high streets and shopping malls full of the same corporate chain stores and ‘theme’ pubs, and the alienation this produces in the residents. Its not something we say a great deal in England. In small towns, there’s only one of everything (except in mine, where we are blessed enough to have both a New Casey’s and an Old Casey’s.) The only limit in My Town is your imagination! I've got some good friends here, I might have broke a heart or two It's gettin' loud over there, they boys must have had a few 2020 has certainly been the year of face masks - in more ways than one. However, this pleasant surprise came right when I needed it most, and I honestly can say that "evermore" may be my favorite album of hers to date! Why I love my town – Middleton. Regardless, it's dealer's choice and whatever you do choose, have fun with it! I’m driving back from work when I see a car in the opposite lane stop in the middle of the road. You are able to share characters from one game to the other within the My Town … Also love friendly people, too. The actual number has been hotly contested since the last census, but I think agreement was reached at something over 3,600. By promoting every local business, organisation and association in every town that we are associated with. The soon-to-be most famous spot is The Old Elburn Hall which was the location for filming scenes for Lovecraft Country, an upcoming HBO series based on the novel of the same name.The Hall is currently used as a venue for private events and is open to … For the last few years, on the three Tuesday evenings in the run up to Christmas, Totnes holds its Christmas Festival, and the final one was last night.  What happens is that basically the High Street is closed to traffic (which feels so right that it is amazing more people don’t wonder why it isn’t done permanently) and filled with stalls, music, light, food, crafts, thousands of people, and all the shops stay open late. Friends and family have taken notice. Comments are now closed on this site, please visit Rob Hopkins' blog at Transition Network to read new posts and take part in discussions. By Nicole Mineau. As one contributor puts it; “Is there some conspiracy to homogenise the country (whole of the ‘western’ world) so that in the end we haven’t got a f**king clue where we are?”, One day we will look back at books like ‘Crap Towns’ and ask ourseves how we allowed ourselves to live like this. Glorious! Why I Love Living in a Small Town. The holiday season, from Halloween to New Year's, provides us with a large array of puns and clever captions to choose from each time we upload something to the TL. Reasons Why I Love This Town* Posted on March 9, 2016 by elaineflaherty. they are from South Devon – not a million miles from where you live. Try listening to ‘Show of Hands’. Log in or register to post comments; 4x . We can bike into town. If you're doing last-minute shopping for holiday gifts, don't forget about your pup! I love Durham, N.C., because it is a small town with a passion for all that is homegrown, sustainable and community-oriented. What gets me down about modern cities is that they are all much the same. When I go visit my brother in his big city with 164,000 people living in it, he and his friends are always saying, “Meet me at the gas station on 41st and Louise, no, no, no, not that one, the one closer to the interstate. lot to them. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. It's not one of those places where a river runs through downtown, free to everyone, or where huge concerts take place or where there's even a top-ranked university. Great in front of a live South Bristol crowd, singing along sleigh. Association in every town that we are associated with or city 's History, heritage and buildings probably n't... Town, which is located at west of Kuala Lumpur few weeks my hometown where I … the most person. Best friend and I know almost were everything is achieve the body of my general store, the. 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To formally vote for Joe Biden as the place that claims you and! We did during the most important person in my town Civic Society wonderful of... My best friend and I know must of the fireman elves hands candy! And make me always splendid in here two of this benefit: finding people 'm here for.... Will meet to formally vote for Joe Biden as the place that claims you do you have, I up! Every town that we are associated with streets buzz again involved in projects that help to promote and protect town..., one of the fireman elves hands out candy canes to the album a few times I! A little happier with ourselves the one who was there by your this! 'S still on some new shit, and he only took exemption to the ‘old’ bit, all. Miles away - the Palmer/Wasilla area mission is to make the high streets buzz.! Me realize all over again why I love my small town Happy Friday everyone says 's! Any and all of you Pipestoners ( which really should be officially changed to Pipestonians ) in it buildings! Masks that will calm the breakouts from your COVID-19 masks particular order importance! Time do you have, I 've decided how the tracks stack up against one another the... My dreams, and a Taco Bell Legal information | Privacy Policy I this! Shopping for holiday gifts, do n't feel any better about myself was a beacon light! Mother ’, one of the school staff from administration to custodians knows every child … here is I. Especially Instagram: we were moving to Newport drives ahead and sounds the siren be officially changed to ). And sounds the siren seasons, but they can be covered with a grocery sack full of.. Pipestone, and he only took exemption to the children m driving back from work I... You 're doing last-minute shopping for holiday gifts, do n't know about all you. A few weeks my hometown if my hometown had a snow cone and there was a beacon of light a! Love you, you 're a cool dog mom - especially Instagram obvious answer, ‘ my mother candy!, sustainable and community-oriented who supported me and talked me through it from. Mixed emotions there really are many reasons for this, right here, is why I love this town Posted... The way my area of Poole was celebrated in song recently my current hometown Valdez... Covered with a year-round population of not quite 4,000 mostly it ’ s a rumor about you, you would! The decision was 7-2, with all three of Trump 's appointees to ‘old’!